Clowna Nostra crowdfunder

This is your chance to pre-order Bill Zebub’s most offensive comedy “Clowna Nostra” – it i snot just a pre-purchase – it is your way of showing support.

There are other things that you can obtain in this crowdfunder.  Have a look and share on all of your social media.

Click HERE to be taken to paradise of offensiveness.

Clowna Nostra
Clowna Nostra

The Evil – Evil (Osmose Productions)

This sounds a tad like stoner doom, with female vocals, but the singing style isn’t heavenly.  In some ways it is ugly and husky, but it fits.  There is an occult atmosphere to the music , enhanced by supernatural-sounding vocals or instrumental phrases, which further season the songs with devilish taste.

There is a video for one of the songs, which will say much more about the band than I can describe with words.  Enjoy.
