This is a perfect story. I need to preface the review with this statement because the way that I will disclose my reactions may seem like I hate the book. Read on, but bear in mind that even three weeks after completing the tale, I am still thinking about it.
When I began the book I was disheartened because I did not like the setting of the story. It was a sort of street urchin feeling, of thievery and poverty. I kept reading because the writing had a gripping style. As much as I despised the settings, the author succeeded in placing me there. and I vividly imagined all that I read.
I was reminded of not fully hating such stories because I was an avid fan of the Sanctuary books. If you don’t know about those, you may want to dig. (Each chapter was its own story, written by a different author, but all stories advanced the greater tale. It all took place in Thieves’ Wold) But even if I hadn’t been fond of the Sanctuary books, and even if I hated the environment, the writing style of Brent Weeks was too good to dismiss.
Before I was aware of it happening, I became absolutely hooked. I don’t want to tell you any story details because such things should unfold to you when you read. It is better to inform you about the things that make this reading a pleasure.
You will find characters who have many levels. There is no black or white. Brent Weeks succeeds in not only giving you everything that you need to visualize – he also leaves enough out so that you can be an active reader. Indeed, I found myself sleuthing many things, to be delighted, and often shocked, when the answers became known.
Beyond all other characteristics is the emotion of the tale. I could write much more, but this would create expectations. Rather, go into it blindly, like I did. It won’t take you long to experience what I did. I highly recommend this book.
-Bill Zebub