Hornwood Fell - My Body, My Time

Hornwood Fell – My Body, My Time

You should start your journey with the second track “Her Name” which has vocals that remind me of a spirit being summoned to speak warnings, or of a mystic uttering in trance.  Without further delay, let me list a stream of it for you.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbFN17mDxAI[/embedyt]

At times, I am reminded of experimental Voivod, which is quite pleasing.  This is my first venture into Hornwood Fell, but I am impressed enough to seek out their earlier albums.  I had to enlist a friend to obtain this one directly from the label because no merchant near me had any information for getting it into the stores, and the Internet options were bare.  I am sure that this has been corrected since those days. I had a promotional version and wanted to show my support with an actual purchase, as I do with every band that has made music that affected me.

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