I am surprised that there is a second movie, whether it is a sequel or not. The first one was disappointing in many ways. That story led three average people into an underground sex club that had zero sex and no nudity. That made me think that the moviemakers were shy. This guess was supported by the behind-the-scenes footage in which a camera guy kept trying to take shots of a girl’s legs, and she scolded him each time, even pulling down her conservative skirt here and there. Didn’t the camera guy know that movies can have nudity?
Seriously, if the environment of the movie is a criminal sex club, why is there no sex? The moviemakers should have stuck with a topic that they could handle, like how to wear baggy clothes and have stupid gore. Yes, even if the movie showed a tit, the gore was ridiculous. In one scene, a girl had her scalp cut at the hairline. The villain was to scalp her, which might have been interesting, but that knife miraculously cut the skull open, exposing the brain. Why don’t ignore people spend twenty minutes with a biologist, trauma doctor, or some other person who could inform them that one cannot open a skull with a knife?
Horror is considered an idiotic genre by some, and this is one of the reasons why. In Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a person was hoisted onto a meat hook and seemed to only react as if he were suspended by a belt, seeming to only exhibit mild discomfort. I won’t go into the various things that should have happened, because I shut the movie off at that point and didn’t watch it again until after twenty years or so, and I still considered it stupid. It was also idiotic when, in Nightmare on Elm Street, the villain was revealed to be the offspring of a nun and one hundred maniacs. Did the writer not know that it only takes one sperm to conceive? That is another movie that I shut off immediately after that kind of idiocy.
My expectation for this new movie was very low, especially with the introduction of a woman who wore a skirt that her grandmother would have considered conservative. If the girl is supposed to be a sex-worker, shouldn’t she dress in more tantalizing garb? Again, if a person is afraid of nudity or women, perhaps a different environment should be chosen. The only horror in the first movie was that of the moviemakers who were terrified of nipples. Oh wait, there are nipples in this one, but they are male. A fat man with short hair and corpsepaint delights in gay bondage, which made me keep my eyes off the screen, so I have no idea what happened. Probably some stupid gore.
Not a single attractive person or anyone with on-screen charisma appeared yet. It was just a series of over-acting dullards. But I held hope that there would be some pay-off.
After much gayness and silly dialogue, there was a female victim, but she wore more clothes than someone in a blizzard.
It seems that the person who made the movie thought that he could make a cheap version of Hostel, but I had given up on deriving any entertainment from the movie so I didn’t care about what was happening on screen anymore. I just wanted it to be over.
There was one woman who was nude, with of course only brief glimpses of her flat chest. I had spaced out by this point so I don’t know what happened, other than cheesy attempts at skinning a silicone prop. Again, just a little research would have resulted in scrapping the idea of peeling a person like a banana.
The movie was too gay for me. I found myself looking away from the screen a lot because I just don’t swing that way. I can’t cite a single thing that I liked, and believe me, I tried to find something to compliment. I have no idea what kind of person would like this. It seems to have been written by a social retard who created characters he thought were cool, but no one who actually IS cool would watch. Sadly, I cannot give you any reason to give this movie a chance. I only watched the whole thing because I had to write a review.