Tag Archives: phil fasciana

Malevolent Creation interview

Interview with Phil Fasciana conducted by Bill Zebub for the Grimoire of Exalted Deeds magazine.


EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION:  This was the second interview conducted with Phil Fasciana.  When I first interviewed him there was a fake story about how a huge amount of people returned an album to the record label with a swastika inside a circle and a slash (like the Ghostbusers circle, in case you don’t know what I am talking about).  I found out that only one person returned the album, and that person was white.

When I conducted that first interview with Phil, I formed the impression that he was an extremely cool person.  When we did the interview, it was as metal people who were having a lot of fun.  maybe the rest of the world acts as if reality takes place inside a corporate office environment with a Human Resources manager overlooking every word that is spoken, typed, or read, but metal people consider that to be toxic.

As brainwashing became more prevalent in education (students are taught WHAT to think instead of HOW to think) – some of the victims of this propaganda have brought fagginess to metal.  Some of these pseudo-melalhead people have blogs and fanzines – they react to interviews like this with gayness.  They have conducted witch-hunts and caused problems for this band.  My only suggestion is for them to listen to music that is more akin to their gay personalities, but then, there are a lot of faggy bands disguised as metal, and there are lots of faggy trends, including gay hairstyles and faggy facial piercings, that have infiltrated.  But make no mistake – these are detested by real metalheads.

This introduction should have prepared you for what you are about to read.  When I conducted this second interview with Phil, I was trying to do so in the fun way that we had done it before, but he had suffered some consequences for the jokes.  When we began this interview he couldn’t tell me because he knew that when I hit the “record” button, I print everything that was said.  But when we spoke conversationally he mentioned how surprised he was by some of the backlash.  I told him to relax because the reactions were fake, by fake people.  I understood REAl people and REAL reactions, and assured him that any sensible person can see the humor. Well, maybe it can take a few readings before the clues are noticed.

If you continue reading, please bear in mind that Phil Fasciana is a cool person.  If you see him at a show, buy him a beer and have a chat – you’ll be able to tell within seconds that he is a down-to-earth person.  Don’t let your brainwashing make you see things that aren’t there.



The golf field is known as a place of business deals.  When Malevolent was dropped from Roadrunner Records, is that how you wound up on Pavement?  You were golfing, and so was a faggy dude from Pavement.

Yep.  I beat Greg and Mark in a brutal match.  Not only did I beat them in golf, I beat them to death with my clubs until they offered to sign us. 


Do the proceeds of the new album go to the KKK?

No.  They’ll be going to the Phil Fasciano Golf Fund Program, so i can afford to golf every single day.


Why does the word “nigger” appear so often in your autographs?

My autographs?


I heard from a Floridian that you autographed the back of a 12-pack, and it said “Kill niggers” on it.

(laughs)  Well then that wasn’t me.  Someone just did that.  It wasn’t me.  Don’t start trying to get me into trouble.  All right?  I know I never did that.  It could’ve been someone else.  But I doubt that also. 


Would you like to share your opinion about the word “nigger”?

I really wouldn’t.  I don’t even want to get on that kind of subject.  You’re getting me in trouble.  I don’t have no problems with nobody anymore.


Anymore?  At one time you did, though.

No!  I’d rather not comment on anything.


Come on!  This magazine is not read by any politically-correct people.

Jason’s not in the band anymore.


Was Jason a nigger?

Yes, in the sense of the word.  Do you know what I mean?  If you look under the word in the dictionary, it says slacker.   We all know what a slacker is.  It doesn’t have anything to do with race.  Believe me, I know white people that are the worst people ever.


Ok, now we’re talking!  The old Phil whom I used to know, when Malevolent Creation was considered to be a brutal band, used to use the word “nigger” all the time.  What happened to that Phil?

I don’t know.  I don’t know where you knew this old Phil.  You’re still trying to get me in trouble.  I don’t know why you’re saying this.


Weren’t there some problems with the use of the word “nigger” on one of your albums?

Yeah, it was on the Eternal album.  It was the last word in the song.  It just said, “you fuckin’ nigger”.  We got all kinds of flack for it.  Everyone says that we’re a racist.  I can’t understand it because that is such a common word.  I can’t even believe that someone would freak out about it.  Whatever.  We’ve refrained from using it again.  Don’t look for it to pop up again any time soon.


But that’s almost like King Diamond omitting the word “Satan”.  He now knows that people understand the band, so that word isn’t going to turn anyone off.  So do you think that when you grow more secure in your fan base that you will use the word “nigger” again?

It ain’t comin’ back.  It was a mistake to do it in the beginning.  You better stop and get off this subject right now!


Would you allow me to ask another nigger question?  Just one more question?  (just silence)  Isn’t is silly how that particular sensitive issue can destroy a band?

It is.  Believe me, man, you wouldn’t believe how serious people take that until you go to a country like Germany.  You see people throwin’ shit and bottles at ya.  I can hear them wiz past my head.  It made me realize how stupid something like that really is.  But it’s definitely an offensive word to some people.


One day, when your balls grow back, i want to see a song called “Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger.” just to show the world that they’re silly.  It’s silly to take such great offense.

No!  It ain’t gonna happen!


So there won’t be a day when you are entirely fed up with everything and you don’t care what you have to lose?

Listen, I say that word enough.  You know what I mean?  And I say it to everybody.  I think it’s funny.  I pick up the phone and people go like, “Hey, what’s up, nigger!”  And I have to laugh.


It’s just so amazingly funny how much tension there is in your voice.

I know… so let’s stop this.


Why are the lyrics of your new album written in ebonics?

Because Brett’s…  You’re gettin’ me goin’ again!  No!  There’s no ebonics!  I’m pretty sure he’s the furthest from ebonics! 


Roadrunner has re-mastered your first two albums on gold CD’s.

They have?



All right, then you’re an asshole.


Is Malevolent Creation the official band of the Rainbow Coalition?

Are you talkin’ about that sticker that’s on the back of your car?  I’m surprised that you’re still alive, driving around with that thing on there. 


What did the rabbi say to the crippled Puerto Rican?



I was hoping you would be able to make a punchline for that.

Man, I can’t even think right now.  I have no idea.


Isn’t that a common Puerto Rican response?  “Hey spic, can you sweep that floor?”  “No, I can;t even think right now.”

You need help.  You must have a lot of spare time to think of this shit.


Malevolent Creation was supposed to transform into black metal, but after putting on corpse paint, your nose was a little too big.  There’s just too much attention on the nose.

I look too much like that Mortiis dude. 


Are there any other racial jokes on the album?

No, no racial jokes.  No racial slurs.  Most of the songs are pretty much about war.


Race war?

No…  here we go again.


Isn’t it true that you had problems at the Customs in Germany?  Bringing over some equipment?

Not that I remember.


But isn’t your guitar in the shape of a swastika?

That’s fuckin’ nuts!


Did you know that most people who have their genitals pierced have been molested as children?

Ah, no.  But I don’t think I’ll be mutilating my genital area.


Have you ever seen Dave Vincent’s genitals?
