Interview with ALL conducted by Bill Zebub for issue #13 of THE GRIMOIRE OF EXALTED DEEDS magazine.
The person known as “It” has left the scene. Why did that happen?
Mainly I think it was because he was fed up with music and black metal and everything. I think he wanted a break.
I am rather suspicious about that. I think that it is a marketing ploy and that the next album will be promoted as the triumphant return of It.
(laughs) Yeah. Maybe. He has completely disappeared. Only his sister knows where he is.
In Europe CDs are packaged as digi-packs. In America, Vondur is packaged in a very strange way. It is in a very big box.
Uh huh.
It is a very big box, and it is red. It does not have the name “Vondur” on it. It has thy name, “ALL.”
There are commercials for it on American television. In them, there is a mother washing her clothes, and her child is pointing to the album, which is a big red box, and the child so speaks the letters “A-L-L” – hast thou heard of this?
I thought it was strange that Necropolis would actually advertise an album on television, especially during soap operas.
Yeah. Me too. I did an interview earlier today where a guy heard some rumors about IT – that he left the scene because he received death threats from a lot of black people and Jewish people for the “War” album. and now THIS.
There is a subculture of homosexual Jewish people. They can be identified by their use of the word “wonderful” to describe things. In Germany, it is VONDUR-bar.
In Germany, there are gay bars called “Vondur” bars. I was wondering if that embarrasses thee.
I’t s a pretty poor stretch.
This article is thy chance to tell the truth that the posters of thy album in Vondur bars is not thy idea.
Yeah. Not my idea. Write that in capital letters.

Art thou angry that Joker is promoting thy album and that he is only four feet tall?
Four feet tall? (laughs)
Yes. He is very small.
Actually, IT is very small too. What he lacks in physical strength he makes up for in psychological stature.
Joker writes for the magazine PIT, and it rhymes with IT.
We never got to see each other.
Dost thou think than anyone in EMPEROR looks feminine?
Yeah. They all do.
Dost thou have a picture of Herve in thy house (editor’s note – the label head of Osmose)
No. I don’t.
Who is more handsome, Herve, or Paul from Necropolis?
I like Paul. Mainly for his car.
Paul speaks in a fake English accent because he wants everyone to believe that he is English. England was the first country that had a black metal band, so he wants Necropolis to appear to be a true black metal label.
What band was that? Venom?
It was Paul’s own band, actually. It was called “Pinky.” He gave Quorton his first lesson.
That’s true. I was there.
Americans do not know much about the Swedish government. Thy police do not have guns. They have flowers.
We live by some stupid thing called “Democracy” which kind of destroys thew country. We have a long and glorious history of strong kings and war. I thought that I would get together with our present king who has no power at all, and talk him into a military coup against the government and take the power. Then I will dethrone him.
Is this to have a national anthem with a thrash beat?
Yeah, and so I can get free liquor.

I heard that if a school has a black person in it, the Swedish national anthem cannot be sung.
That’s true. They forbid the national anthem because it is considered racist.
Does the Swedish national anthem have lyrics like “We have blonde hair and we like to kill niggers?”
Nothing like that. Praise of country.
Because of thy feelings about Norway, wouldst thou kill everyone like Hitler wanted to do to Polaks?
I would use them for slave labor.
I heard that in Sweden, the mosquito is a sacred creature.
That’s true. It’s forbidden for a christian Swede to even think about hurting a mosquito.
Swedes think that a mosquito was the first creature to ever drink the blood of Jesus. In case thou hast not noticed, I do not actually like to talk about music.
Yes. I have noticed that.