When I received this album, the first thing I checked was who the vocalist was. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the name. Johan Langquist . He had delivered the magical performances on “Epicus Doomicus Metallicus“- I held hope my entire life that he would return. In fact, I heard that he was one of the singers who were considered for “King of the Grey Isles” – and although I was dismayed when Johan wasn’t chosen, I had to admit that the former Solitude Aeturnus singer was perfect for those songs.
The first song on The Pendulum starts out with almost a “Symptom of the Universe” feeling, rooting me in the world of Black Sabbath as I try to orient myself in this new Candlemass music.
I must give the disclaimer that Johan does not sing the way that he did on Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, so do not have the unbearably anxious feeling that I had as I cursed every delay.
If you love Candlemass then I do not need to state anything because you will buy the album without question. The only remarks that I would like to make is that these songs live on their own. They are not an extension of any other album. This production is unique to this E.P. so you won’t get a comparison to anything else. You must simply trust that these godlike musicians have offered something that you must hear.