Tag Archives: warrel dane

WARREL DANE – Shadow Work (Century Media)

Listening to this album inflicts the same sadness as when I see “The Crow” because I know that this will be the last offering by the artist.  It is ironic that Warrel sings, “Mother is the Word for god” – a line from the movie “The Crow” (and it is sorrowfully coincidental that I recently met the writer of the graphic novel prior to hearing the song).

It is hard to hear “Kill me in my dreams” – I wonder if Warrel was conscious when he died.

The guitar on this album seems imitative of Jeff Loomis at times, a tad shameful, not so much for the mimicry, but because the style isn’t why I like the music – it is, and always was, Warrel’s voice that carried the tune.

There are some new approaches, however.

It doesn’t seem necessary to review this album – it will be heard out of respect, curiosity, or a friend’s insistence.

I am grateful that enough was salvaged to finish this final work. Another Great One is gone, and I  see no replacements for those we lost.  Farewell.


Nevermore interview with Warrel Dane

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kmBM02CSbQ[/embedyt]

This interview was conducted on a camcorder years ago.  The reason why it surfaced in a mostly-unedited form here is to show another side of Warrel Dane.

Warrel Dane and Bill Zebub became friends after a fan of Bill’s showed Warrel Dane an issue of THE GRIMOIRE OF EXALTED DEEDS magazine that highly praised a Nevermore album during a tour.  Warrel and Bill’s fan exchanged contact information, and it was suggested that Warrel and Bill meet at a New Jersey venue, which was Obsessions in Randolph.

After that first meeting, the friendship and familiarity grew , and the comfort level is evident in this drunken interview.  There is a serious interview conducted a few months before Warrel’s death.  It was just 10 minutes or so, sort of as an antidote to the comical chats that were captured throughout the years.  There was to be a longer, interview during a future tour, but death prevented that.

Please enjoy this night of absurdity.  Bill Zebub was going to post it sooner, but he did not Warrel’s death to be the reason why people watched.  Watch this to see another side that only a friend, and a clown, like Bill Zebub brought out…. oh, yes, and the vodka.  Don’t forget the vodka.